Well, the bags arrived, eventually, but was hardly time enough for us! Three days and a long haul flight in the one set of clothes was plenty enough for me! To give you a bit of an overview, Phnom Penh is really cool. It was a bit overwhelming at first. Mainly coz we didn't have our luggage and then as soon as we stepped into arrivals we were accosted by about 4 moto drives determined to bring us to the centre. As soon as I realised that they meant to take us on what looked like 20year old rally bikes, I baulked and insisted we got a taxi. Toby later confessed to being glad that I refused, as he would have felt obliged to take the moto otherwise. Not much sooner than we had left the

airport and the skies opened and the rain came down like no rain you've seen in Ireland. It pissed down. (I was now very glad we'd opted for the covered in taxi and not the moto!). The journey took about 30mins, in which time the taxi driver tried to convince us to pay him more than the agreed on price, but we steadfastly ignored him. Arriving at the guesthouse was an experience. Now, I know you read "guesthouse"and think nice, clean, brick building, possibly above a pub, with a nice friendly housewife to greet us. Well, it wasn't quite like that. Think more shanty town, corrugated iron roof, dark corridors and sparse sleeping quarters. To be honest, it was a bit of a shock, as I pictured a guesthouse almost as you did.But after a brief adjustment of expectations, I realised that place was clean, the people friendly and the room air conditioned, so just what we wanted. We put the heads down for a snooze until evening, then went out to explore. More on this later.
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